Build them the branches,save their sanctuary

Have you ever wondered what mishap we will have to endure, if only there is another species which is much greater and developed than our kind?How would you feel if you are evicted from your home? Could you stand seeing one of your fellows being killed every hour of the day? Try to be empathy with Orang-utans, friends. That’s what they are facing as we speak. Orang-utans are treated as if they don’t deserve to live on this beautiful world we shared.What makes us think we deserved this fine place more than they do?
As a matter of fact, they share 97 percent of the human DNA. Yes, in this blog, we are revealing facts and truths the world needs to know. And in this blog, we are fighting for Orang-utans, trying to serve justice for the extraordinary creature endangered by our own inhuman kind
Your simple act of support can make a difference for them. Come and join us here, together we stand to make the jungle a safer place.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

learn Orang-utans language.

* palms up= aggression or attack mode.

* shakes its body and makes motions like throwing sticks= not happy and that you should stay away.

* looks like it is smiling and shows its teeth= aggressive and is not happy to see you. dont be fooled!

* Only impolite orangutans look another orangutan in the eye. If one orangutan does not know another it should never look directly in the others eyes. If the eye contact is too long it may be another form of showing aggression. So, if you come across an orangutan make sure you look at him out of the corner of your eye.

* puts a leaf or flower in its mouth (but doesn’t eat it) and looks at anoher orangutan, it could mean they like them. awh, what could be sweeter?

* Orangutans show interest in one another by looking at each other out of the corner of their eyes, quickly passing a hand over their head and making a high pitched sound. The other orangutan knows exactly what is meant and can respond to this interest if it wants to. but a human wouldn't, though, so you better don't try!

* To show close friendship two orangutans will greet each other by gently placing their finger in the others eye. This shows complete trust in each other and says “I love you” between orangutans. ahh, how Orang-Utans really have the feelings we do. why dont you start practicing it with your besties?

* Orangutans have many of the same facial expressions as we do.

* There are many other ways of communication an orangutan uses that involve the whole body such as stretching, jumping, arching back, lip smacking, hair bristling, waving head, shaking moving or raising of the arms and hands, and thrashing on their chest.

Only males perform the long-call. It is an advertisement to any females around that he is here and interested in having company from the ladies. At the same time it is a warning to males that they should stay away if they know what is best for them. It may even suppress adolescent males from developing sexual characteristics resulting in the unflagging appearance. Unless another male feels ready for the challenge they flee from the sound of long-calls. While at the same time interested ladies use it as a tracking device for flanged males and respond accordingly.

Too bad not every baby orangutan in the world has the same feeling as this little one did when this picture was taken.

1 comment:

Keretapi said...

orangutan pun ade respect sesame diorang kan, bravoo