Build them the branches,save their sanctuary

Have you ever wondered what mishap we will have to endure, if only there is another species which is much greater and developed than our kind?How would you feel if you are evicted from your home? Could you stand seeing one of your fellows being killed every hour of the day? Try to be empathy with Orang-utans, friends. That’s what they are facing as we speak. Orang-utans are treated as if they don’t deserve to live on this beautiful world we shared.What makes us think we deserved this fine place more than they do?
As a matter of fact, they share 97 percent of the human DNA. Yes, in this blog, we are revealing facts and truths the world needs to know. And in this blog, we are fighting for Orang-utans, trying to serve justice for the extraordinary creature endangered by our own inhuman kind
Your simple act of support can make a difference for them. Come and join us here, together we stand to make the jungle a safer place.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Thanks to Kamilah & Kak Syarah.

Firstly, thanks to Kamilah who has been a real help by willingly showing her opinion towards the extinction of orangutans.

Thanks to Kak Syarah, she has been a great help in supporting our blog, promoting it, giving awesome ideas and spreading the word about Orangutans which need public's immediate attention.


Anonymous said...

I support YOU TOO!
long live ranting :D

Fathorazi Samsuri said...

Video kamilah dapat sambutan! hehehe.
RANTINGmereka is SuperduperFantastico.

Fathorazi Samsuri said...

Video kamilah dapat sambutan! hehehe.
RANTINGmereka is SuperduperFantastico.